Wedding Photo Tips for Couples

1. Have a plan: You need to have a plan for your wedding day photography, including what you want to capture, when you want to capture it, and where you want to capture it. If you have no idea where your photographer will be at any given time during the day or evening, then don’t hire them!

2. Bring snacks: Pack some snacks in your bag so that you can keep up with those hungry mouths while they’re on the move around. Also, if there’s anything that’s not kosher or halal that needs to be eaten during the ceremony or reception (such as meat), bring it along so that there aren’t any last-minute surprises when it comes time to eat dinner.

3. Don’t worry about being late: In case anyone reading this hasn’t heard yet, weddings are pretty unpredictable affairs and can run long past their scheduled times if there’s bad weather or traffic issues happening outside of your control (which happens more often than not).